Monday, June 6, 2011

Star Wars - FOTJ - Conviction (Book Review)

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Conviction by Aaron Allston is book seven (7) of nine (9) in the series set approximately forty (40) years after Return of the Jedi.

Not to give away to much of the story, we'll just give you a brief overview here...

Luke Skywalker along with his son Ben and a Sith apprentice named Vestara, have tracked the creature known as Abeloth to a planet named Nam Chorios, where they intend to destroy the creature once and for all.

Knowing a Sith's true nature Luke allows Vestara to "secretly" contact the Sith to come to their aid in the destruction of Abeloth. Unknown to Vestara though, Luke Skywalker has already made arrangement for aid in the form of the Jedi.

While this is happening on Nam Chorios, Han and Leia Solo have been dispatched to the planet Klatooine to help with convincing the planet's government to reform from their slave trades and to enter the Galactic Alliance. Of course nothing can be easy so before all is said and done, there is involvement by the Hapan's and a Sith plot to disrupt proceedings.

The book's title of course is Conviction, and there are a couple of those made; The first is actually made upon Galactic Chief of State Natasi Daala, who is forcefully removed from office because of the criminal way she has been running the Galactic Alliance.  The second to former Jedi Tahiri Veila who has been on trial for the murder of Admiral Pellaeon that was committed during the final hours of Darth Caedus' reign of terror.

Conviction is full of action, espionage, Jedi, Sith, lovers of the past, and even Boba Fett.

A must read for any Star Wars fan.

Of course if you haven't read the other Fate of the Jedi books I'd recommend you start at book one (1) of course; actually for that matter make you have read the Legacy of the Force series, also nine (9) books, and the novel "Millennium Falcon" prior to starting the Fate of the Jedi series.


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