Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Florida's Governor An Alien?

Okay so the other day I was talking with a former coworker and she told me about this hand written sign she saw located on a telephone pole that simply read "Rick Scott is an alien."

For those of you that don't know who Rick Scott is well he's the Governor for the state of Florida.

She told me that she actually believes that this sign was correct and that he is an alien. Of course I asked her why and she said for two reasons.

  • 1. He just simply looks like an alien.
  • 2. He makes weird facial expressions at inappropriate times that just makes him look like he has no control over his face.

Of course I laughed, but then realized I'm a big fan of the Men In Black movies and fully think that space aliens live among us in that capacity, so maybe she is on to something here.

So is the state of Florida being run by an alien, or just some guy that doesn't know how to control his facial expressions? Better yet who else in the government do you feel has been replaced?


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