Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Darth Maul To Appear In The Clone Wars

Darth Maul is set to return to the Star Wars universe in the Spring of 2012 in the animated Clone Wars. Now in what capacity, or how this is even possible (remember he was sliced in two by Kenobi), is still unknown.

Maul did make a very brief appearance during an episode in season three, when Savage Opress visited one of the witches; he could be seen in her crystal ball.

As a fan of Darth Maul, I have to be honest, I'm not happy about this. I mean, he's awesome and all, but he was cut in half, and then fell down a shaft. I'm pretty sure no Sith, no matter how powerful, survives this.

Maul has had a great impact on the Expanded Universe; ranging several stories taking place prior to The Phantom Menace, and was the inspiration of how all Sith were perceived in the Legacy comic book series.

Many people picture Maul looking as he did through the Visionaries concept (see above image). While others picture him some how being able to completely heal himself to be whole again. Of course search the Internet long enough and I'm sure you'll find some other outragious pictures.

Already having difficulties with The Clone Wars, this is not a step in the right direction in my personal opinion. But what do you guys think, is Maul returning something you feel is a good idea?


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