Monday, May 2, 2011

Add Audio To Comic Books?

Overheard while shopping at Coliseum of Comics a customer asked one of the employees the following question...

"Do you think comic books should be like greeting cards and play sound when you open it?"

He suggested that it would be neat if you opened a comic and a song started playing followed by an announcer to give out a little information on the issue. i.e. "Marvel Presents, X-Men #666, By Writer, With Artist...etc."
Of course this seems like a "neat" idea until you stop and think about this one tiny little thing...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. That's right, you add audio and just like those once 99 cent greeting cards, you just tripled the price; and at already $2.99 to $3.99 per issue can we really afford to have this luxury?

Now if you wanted to have audio clips or even an entire issue narrated then our suggestion would be to stick that kinda stuff into the digital comics, but leave the print ones on silent; hey it's worked this long.

So what do you think; would you pay extra for your comics to have audio? Would you like to have this option for digital releases? Would you actually give a crap if you read comics?


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