Monday, February 5, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Trailer)

First the Teaser Trailer, now the full length trailer. Is everyone now completely excited for Solo: A Star Wars Story?

Yeah, we're on the fence too. On the one hand, it's Star Wars; on the other hand, it's a movie about a character we love, but set as a prequel film and played by a guy who isn't the original actor.

Should we give Alden Ehrenreich a chance? Of course, everyone deserves a chance, but the more dialog he has in the trailer the less we hear Han Solo and the more we hear a stranger speaking.

Issues that we run into include the "redesigned" Millennium Falcon, and what's this, but another new Tie Fighter?!?

Don't get us wrong, we love Tie Fighters, but why do we only get new designs during prequel films (i.e. Rogue One and the Tie Striker)?

Overall, we feel as if the teaser was more enjoyable than the actual trailer itself.

Will we see Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters, you bet. Will we own the DVD/Blu-Ray, yep. Will this be the best Star Wars film of all time? Well, only time shall tell.

Solo: A Star Wars Story opens May 25, 2018.


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