Friday, June 26, 2009

Virtuality - Reviewed

Virtuality is FOX's new Sci-Fi drama that's a TV show within a TV show. The best way to describe it is MTV's Real World meets outer space.

Just look at the crew and compare them to a Real World cast. There is an interracial couple, a gay couple, a couple in a solid relationship that now faces the challenge of one member cheating, and two semi hot chicks that have a love/hate relationship.

There is also the video confessionals, which was the Real World's trademark.

Now there were a couple of moments where potential was shown. Okay so really just the beginning and end, with maybe one or two moments in the middle.

The only member of the crew that was tolerable throughout the entire show was Capt. Frank Pike, and he unfortunately didn't survive. Well at least not in reality.

The worst part was FOX's cheap plug of their network throughout the entire episode. It actually got quite annoying.

Being a Sci-Fi series on FOX, we don't count on Virtuality being around very long. Hopefully we can get a little more of the story before the inevitable happens. - GJ

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