In 1979 Disney went out on a limb and jumped head first into the Sci-Fi phenomenon that had occurred in the late '70s. Disney had seen the success of such films as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "Star Wars" and felt it was time for them to cash in. But to obtain their cash, Disney had to spend quite a bit in the process.
As a story goes the plot wasn't all that bad, graphics were pretty impressive for their time, and the scientific facts were almost spot on. As far as a downfall, the movie does start out kind of slow, but about a half hour in everything picks up.
This movie not only tells a decent story, but gets your creative juices flowing. You start to spend time wondering what would really happen if you were to travel into a black hole. Would something extraordinary happen or would your life just simply be forfeited. No one may ever know.
If you have the chance to see Disney's The Black Hole, it's strongly recommended that you do so.